

Our teachers have the knowledge and skill required to run safe and invigorating capoeira classes.


Instrutora Pimenta (Katherine Haber)


Kids' Capoeira

Studio Manager

'Instrutora Pimenta,' began her Capoeira studies in 2009 under Mestre Batata in Los Angeles.  She and Joey have been working under Mestre Kinha since 2021. She has taught for the Sun School Program and at Flying Tortoise since 2016. Capoeira is her 'martial arts soul food.' It offers expedient fun, health and a rich community.  Teaching capoeira to kids is her passion.  

Kate teaches capoeira to kids age 5-11.  She stresses cooperation, strength building, safety and an open heart in her classes. 

"I love that kids feel the urge take capoeira out of the academy and into their neighborhoods and schools. Capoeira inspires playfulness, challenges you and results in physical as well as emotional growth."

503-928-2595  l  kateahaber@gmail.com

Josef Haber Flying Tortoise Kung Fu.jpg

Professor Santo (Josef Haber- Founder)

Adult Capoeira with Application
Martial Arts Fitness and Application
Rehabilitative Martial Arts
Kids' Capoeira
Kung Fu (see flyingtortoise.org)

'Professor Santo' met Mestre Batata in 2002 and was immediately taken by how he seamlessly blended the beauty and combat elements of the art.  In the 13 years since Josef has been devoted to Capoeira Besouro he has taught classes in Mestre Batata's academy, The Inosanto Academy, The Source Academy (Now River City Warriors), The Sun School Program as well as numerous colleges and elementary schools. Under Mestre Batata, Professor Santo was employed by the non profit Ginga Arts to teach capoeira to kids in inner city Los Angeles who didn't have access to Physical Education. Here is a video of Jamie Lee Curtis reviewing Ginga Arts at an event in 2013.

capoeirajoey@yahoo.com (please contact Kate for questions about capoeira classes)